1162邱醫師 |
內容 |
AAD提供每個國家2名皮膚科醫師Registration Scholarship可出席參加明年的AAD年會 (2025 AAD Annual Meeting March 7th-11th in Orlando, Florida, USA)
請未領過此獎者之會員踴躍報名,中選者可獲學會推薦向AAD申請該獎學金。詳情請見網頁及下方說明,為利作業,請於7/15(一)前向學會提出申請。 |
獎勵內容 |
- Waiver of the non-member registration fee for the 2025 AAD Annual Meeting March 7th-11th in Orlando, Florida, USA.
- Admission to one ticketed half-day course
- Invitation to attend the International Scholarship Reception and Dinner with AAD leadership on Thursday, March 6th, 2025.
- Invitation to attend the International Member Reception on Friday, March 7th, 2025.
申請資格 |
The criteria for scholarship nominees are as follows:
- Nominee must be a board-certified dermatologist.
- Individuals must be nominated by their National Dermatologic Society. Self-nominations will not be accepted.
- Only two nominees allowed per country.
- Have a letter of recommendation signed from an officer of a national dermatologic society (PDF format preferred) attached to the online application. (If the country of residence does not have a national dermatological society, a letter of recommendation from the applicant's immediate director will be accepted)
- Nominee has not received an in-person international scholarship from the AAD in the past.
注意事項 |
- 學會將於期限前線上提交得獎者名單給AAD,AAD將於2024年10月會主動與得獎者聯繫。
- 此獎學金與 AAD Poster Exhibit 不同。
- 若經由學會向AAD推薦獲選後,因個人因素取消前往參加會議,三年內不得再向學會提出申請此獎學金。
得獎者義務 |
- 聯合病例討論會(月會)安排40分鐘報告時段(What's News)
- 會訊投稿800字以上學習心得乙篇(附照片)
申請方式 |
意者請將個人英文curriculum vitaes寄至學會信箱bella@derma.org.tw,主旨請註明「2025 AAD Annual Meeting Registration Scholarship」 |
遴選方式 |
學會將由申請者中抽籤決定選出2位,結果將公告於網頁,並另行通知。 |